Daylight & Sunlight

Daylight & Sunlight

We assist developers with pre-planning Daylight & Sunlight assessments in line with the BRE 209 Guide: Site layout planning for daylight and sunlight: a guide to good practice. Previous work includes a wide range of residential and commercial schemes, located in London and surrounding counties.

Daylight & Sunlight Assessment   .   Design Steering   .   3D modeling   .   Cutbacks

Daylight & Sunlight Assessments Explained

At planning stage, the local council may expect a Daylight & Sunlight assessment to be included in the application. This planning consideration will assess the lighting levels to surrounding properties. It will provide details on the impact on light quality using various methodologies.

Blackacre work closely with developers and their team from an early stage in the planning process. We provide design steering and prepare Daylight Sunlight Assessments ready for application. We prepare these in line with the Building Research Establishment, (BRE 209 guidance). This guide advises on expected standards for developers, and is recognized Planning Authority as the national standards.

To achieve this, Blackacre always ensure that all surveyors are up to date with the latest policy guidance, legal environment and technical abilities.

Key Contact

Ben Salvage MRICS C.Build E MCABE

Chartered Building Surveyor
Chartered Building Engineer

07515 441468

Blackacre Director - About Blackacre Chartered Building Surveyors

Have you considered a Daylight & Sunlight Assessment?

We prepare all our Daylight & Sunlight assessments in line with the Building Research Establishment (BRE) Good Practice Guidance 209: Site layout planning for daylight and sunlight. because this is recognized by planning authorities.

As such, it is important that early on in the planning process, you should establish if your scheme will require an assessment. You should speak to the Local Planning Authority about this to understand their requirements.

Therefore, being proactive is important. You should get a surveyor to prepare an assessment early on to save significant time and costs in obtaining approval for your scheme.

After that, our surveyors will use plans and drawings of your scheme. As a result they will build a three dimensional model ready for software testing. Our reports will then interpret the results and compare these against required standards noted in the BRE 209 best practice guidance.

What does the assessment involve?

Various methodologies are used in the testing of a 3D model of the proposed development and surrounding buildings. Therefore, we assess standards in a number of ways. We note these below and will compare the minimum standards, set out by the Building Research Establishment.


Vertical Sky Component (VSC)   .   No Sky Line (NSL)   .   Illuminance (SDA)   .   Daylight Factor (DF)


Annual Probable Sunlight (APSH)   .   Sunlight Exposure (SE)

Is it the same as a Right to Light?

In short, no. These are two separate issues, Right to Light is an easement, a private legal right to properties in this country. Further information can be found on our Right to Light page.

Daylight & Sunlight assessment