Affordable Housing

What we provide

Affordable housing are homes that are to be rented or sold to households whose needs are not being met by the private housing market because prices are too high. It is recognised that home ownership has become increasing difficult because of the high costs and increasing property prices.

For low and mid income households who lack the means to meet the costs of private sector housing they will be eligible for affordable housing. There are several types (i.e. tenures) of affordable housing, such as social rented, affordable rented and intermediate housing.

From these housing issues, the government has placed emphasis on affordable housing and through Homes England (the government’s housing and regeneration agency) they aim to deliver affordable and quality homes.

Whether you are a register provider, charity or local authority, we have the expertise and experience to provide affordable housing valuations for a variety of needs.  From Existing Use Value – Social Housing (EUV-SH), acquisition / disposal purposes to advisory services for S106 policy compliant schemes, we can assist.

We can also assist private developers to understand the amount of affordable housing provision for a new planning application and the ideal mix for deliverability of a development site.

No matter your requirement please contact us with any queries that you may have.

Key Contact


Chartered Surveyor
RICS Registered Valuer

07939 939301
