Step-by-Step Guide to Listed Building Surveys

Our Listed Building Survey is essential for buildings of architectural or historic interest to help keep their character intact. Blackacre Surveyors is a one-stop service for properties that must be assessed thoroughly to detect defects, comply with legislation, and ensure a program of works is put in place to maintain or restore them effectively.
What is a Listed Building? A building entered into a list of significant architectural or historic interests is afforded statutory protection under UK heritage law. Buildings are listed in one of three grades: Grade I (of exceptional interest), Grade II* (particular interest), or Grade II (national importance).


Blackacre Surveyors is a surveyor for heritage assets specialising in listed buildings. We operate a specific approach to heritage building surveys, which involves historical research and understanding of the building for surveys and investigations. We are experts in historic building surveys and provide independent advice and analysis through photogrammetric 3D Laser Scanning, Drone Surveys, and detailed Bridge and High-rise Building Surveys. We are committed to compliance and conservation, enabling better decision-making.

Step-by-Step Process for a Successful Listed Building Survey:

1. Check the Building’s Listing Status: Find out the property’s National Heritage List listing status-grades I, II *, and II are listed. More details will follow when greater protections are triggered, such as in a conservation area or a listed building. Blackacre can check the status to help ensure the listing is complied with.

2. Historiographical Background: Collect historical sources (original architectural drawings and renovation documents) to know where the survey will focus on the most vulnerable areas.

3. View of the structure: Our specialists examine all the different elements of the structure (inside and outside) and provide expert opinions on the roofing, the walls, the wolds, the windows, and the chimneys, using in-house developed methods and techniques to detect the most common problems (rising damp, timber decay, roof wear, and tear and repairs).

4. Use non-invasive survey methods: To date, we continually sought to use non-invasive techniques to determine any concealed defects, using thermal imaging and laser scanning to produce accurate 3D drawings of the building before the work and after completion.

5. Defects / Areas that Require Repair: Guided by the data from our survey, we map structural problems and offer conservation-sensitive repair and maintenance options to preserve the property’s historic integrity.

6. Assess Legal and Planning Issues: All listed buildings have strict planning controls. We partner with local council authorities to grant all the necessary consents and work alongside industry heritage standards.

7. Detailed Report: We provide a definitive report that includes an assessment of the building’s condition, considering its current state and particular requirements, identification of defects, and recommendations on how to maintain and preserve it. Our reports include visual records, such as photographs and diagrams.

8. Recommend Tailored Maintenance Work Plans: Maintenance protects listed property. For this reason, we advise dedicated maintenance work plans tailored to each building’s specific needs, from regular inspection to preventive measures.

Contact us Today

With a portfolio of happy clients and a promise to provide the best service, Blackacre Surveyors have the freedom to specialise in listed building surveys so that you can be sure it is done to the highest possible standard: your valuable heritage will remain unscathed for our successors.

Contact us today! Phone us on 0203 476 9561 or Email us at