Impact of Right to Light Surveys on Property Development

There are many things to consider when starting a property development, from the building design to local planning laws. Still, Right to Light Surveys is arguably one of the most important elements of your new construction, which can impact your development in vastly different ways. Developers can avoid expensive litigation and make their developments successful by becoming familiar with how these surveys operate and what they can mean for your project.

What Are Right to Light Surveys?

You need a Right to Light Survey to determine if your proposed development affects your neighbours’ natural light.

Right to Light Surveys are a highly skilled task carried out by us professionals at Blackacre Surveyors using the latest technology, mathematics, and legal knowledge to determine the amount of light reaching your existing windows and your neighbour’s, and if reducing any of it to below acceptable levels could be prejudicial to your neighbour and might be objectionable in law.

Why Are Right to Light Surveys Essential?

Yet, for those property developers who neglect to appreciate the value of a Right to Light Survey, you risk stemming an energy-sapping pipe of potential problems. A successful claim for loss of light can result in financial compensation, being forced to alter your development, or, at worst, having parts demolished. This is why it is crucial to undertake the survey at the initial inquiry stage.

Moreover, you can wield our surveys as leverage in negotiations with neighbours. Any worries or conflicting perceptions that come up in discussions can be immediately settled on the site, and understanding and further goodwill can be established to smooth the path of your project with the aid of our Project Managers here at Blackacres.

How Right to Light Surveys Impact Design and Planning

The results of a Right to Light Survey can significantly impact how you design your site and the appearance of a new property. Suppose our calculations show that your new development encroaches on an adjoining property’s right to light. In that case, you might need to change your plans – this could mean reducing your structure’s height, orientation, or position about neighbours so it doesn’t cause a conflict.

This could also prompt significant alterations to your original design, causing reapplication for planning permission and possibly setting back the project schedule. Furthermore, altered designs might adversely affect the profitability of your project.

Avoiding Delays and Legal Disputes

The greatest benefit of carrying out a Right to Light Survey is the ability to identify potential issues BEFORE any legal action is taken. Developers who don’t get a survey done run the severe risk of facing objections at the planning stage or even after erecting the site. Irrespective of whether objections come from an individual house owner or a company, if their case is strong, it could halt your progress entirely – sometimes even months after completion.

With Right to Light Surveys taking place up front, you can have some kind of risk management Here, too, the channel of communication with your neighbouring property owners. You are willing to flex your project to respect their rights, it could go a long way to building healthier relationships and helping to avoid any kind of entrenched conflict.

Working with Blackacre Surveyors

Because of the technical and legal challenges of Right to Light Surveys, it’s recommended that you work with an experienced team who makes the precise measurements and can help you through every stage of the process. At Blackacre Surveyors we are experts in gathering all the data you need on the impact of light on your property. Still, we act on your behalf to resolve issues amicably with the other parties involved.
Want to protect your schemes from the bane of uncertain Right to Light issues? Ensure that air rights are clearly defined to avoid costly surprises, such as structural alterations, during the planning process. Should you require a Right to Light Survey for your project, contact us at 0203 476 9561 or via email at

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